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Blue Eye - Infrared Control

For multi-room installations refer to examples in the Installation Guide to help select the individual components you will need for your application – or call us on one of our free phone numbers for advice.

Stealth Kit – Single Room Solution

New Emitter buds
Direct IR lead
Product Highlights
  • Controls up to 6 components
  • Designed for controlling components hidden from view
  • Not for multi-room use
  • MySky hdi – FOXTEL compatible
  • Includes a 3.5mm ‘Direct IR’ lead for connection to equipment that supports a ‘Direct IR’ input on its rear panel*
New Stealth Kit features
  • New stick on emitter bud. Often stick on buds are vulnerable to becoming ‘unstuck’ – these new buds use the strongest 3M adhesive pads available and will not easily come adrift. Ideal for hotels or situations where the installation needs to be less susceptible to the activities of cleaning personnel or children.
  • A transparent window on each stick-on bud allows the remote control signals to pass through the bud so the user can still use their remote controls directly as well as from other rooms.


User guide:   View or Download: Filesize=(148.7 KB)

Basic Overview

This is a stand-alone product, for short distance ‘same room’ installations. For example, you may have equipment hidden from view in a cabinet which can no longer see signals from your remote controls.  All other items on this site are for multi-room use.

* Some manufacturers incorporate direct IR input and output jacks – these are 3.5mm jacks found on the rear panel of the component.  This feature does away with the need to attach stick-on IR emitter buds to the front panel, and allows the signal to be looped from one component to another.

This kit includes:
  • 1 x Stealth kit in a retail box

Stealth IR Receiver                       * * Best Seller * *

Product Highlights
  • Plasma – LCD friendly
  • Tiny ‘Stealth’ receiver head
  • MySky hdi – FOXTEL compatible

Price New Zealand $71.35

User guide:   View or Download: Filesize=(168.1 KB)

Basic Overview

Blue Eye’s tiny “Stealth” receiver can be hidden in the most convenient place. Optimized for MySky, MySky hdi. Plasma Screen Friendly.
Wire Lengths: from IR receiver to circuit board: 0.7m / from PCB to RJ45 plug 2.0m.

This kit includes:
  • 1 x IR receiver in a retail box

PDL Receiver 600 Series

Product Highlights
  • Blue visual feedback indicator
  • MySky hdi – FOXTEL compatible


User guide:   View or Download: Filesize=(322.4 KB)

Basic Overview

PDL wall plate mounted receivers look sleek and make remote control even more magical.  Optimized for MySky, MySky hdi. Plasma Screen Friendly.
Available in white or black.

This kit includes:
  • 1 x PDL IR receiver in a retail box

Active Flasher Module

New Emitter buds
Direct IR lead
Product Highlights
  • Controls up to 6 components
  • MySky hdi – FOXTEL compatible
  • Includes a 3.5mm ‘Direct IR’ for connection to equipment that supports a ‘Direct IR’ input on its rear panel*
New Active Flasher module features
  • May be used with or without the 8 Port multi-room HUB
  • Allows direct input of a 5V supply for use in a situation where a HUB is not installed. This allows for power to be sent ‘upstream’ to IR receivers in various rooms.
  • New stick on emitter bud. Often stick on buds are vulnerable to becoming ‘unstuck’ – these new buds use the strongest 3M adhesive pads available and will not easily come adrift. Ideal for hotels or situations where the installation needs to be less susceptible to the activities of cleaning personnel or children.
  • A transparent window on each stick-on bud allows the remote control signals to pass through the bud so the user can still use their remote controls directly as well as from other rooms.


User guide:   View or Download: Filesize=(154.9 KB)

Basic Overview

Blue Eye MySky optimized Active Flasher Module available with 3 or 6 individual flashers for control of multiple components.  Wire lengths: from enclosure to RJ45 plug: 2.0m and enclosure to flashers: 1.5m.

* Some manufacturers incorporate direct IR input and output jacks – these are 3.5mm jacks found on the rear panel of the component.  This feature does away with the need to attach stick-on IR emitter buds to the front panel, and allows the signal to be looped from one component to another.

This kit includes:
  • 1 x Active Flasher Module in a retail box

Eight Port Multi-room Hub

Product Highlights
  • Termination point for multiple IR receivers – up to 7 rooms
  • Allows zoning (2 zones)
  • Injects power into entire system

Price New Zealand $122.00

User guide:   View or Download: Filesize=(167.7 KB)

Basic Overview

Supplies power to entire system and neatly terminates Blue Eye Receivers from multiple rooms. All ports are identically wired and one port is used to send data to the master equipment room (decoders etc) to drive an Active Flasher Module or Mini Blaster.  Has 2 separate channels (zones) for use with multiple SKY De-coders.  Can be linked with additional hubs to allow even more expansion.

Note: This hub is optional – if you have only one or two IR receivers or do not require zoning, instead of using a hub, our new Active Flasher Module below / above allows a 5V DC power to be injected ‘upstream’ to the IR receivers. Download the manual for the active flasher module to see an example.

This kit includes:
  • 1 x 8 Port Hub in a retail box
  • 1 x PP1 5V power supply

PP1 Power Pack

Basic Overview

PP1 Power pack is used to supply 5 volts DC to the multi-room Hub or in an installation where no hub is installed, the PP1 can be plugged directly into the Active Flasher Module to supply power to IR receivers located ‘upstream’.

This kit includes:
  • 1 x 5V Power Adaptor

Pricing Notes

  Overseas Pricing

  • GST:   There is no New Zealand GST incurred on overseas orders.

  New Zealand Pricing

  • Paypal:   When ordering through Paypal, GST is added when NZ delivery address entered.
  • Funds Transfer via internet banking:   Please credit our Westpac account:   03-0626-0644377-00 and email us with your contact and delivery details.